Bali Couple Session | Melissa & Max

If there’s a word to describe Melissa and Max at best, then “calm” it is.
Calmness mostly implied as the condition where turbulence, distress, and disturbance are absent, hence it does not necessarily mean being inactive or lacking positive activities or positive excitement. Which is the reflection of Melissa and Max that we have successfully captured while we were shooting their pre-wedding video in Bali. At first, they were very shy but they do not need much time and direction to let their genuine feeling with each other finally be shown in front of our lenses.

Melissa and Max may look like the calmest couple we’ve seen so far, but guess what? Beneath their calm and sincerity, they are filled with joy and fun. These lovebirds are talented in creative industry, Max is the top photographer and Melissa is a friendly decorator. They are the sweet combination which gives us the idea that profound love requires the elements of calm but also fun as well.