Isle of Skye, Scotland Couple Session | Bella & Ruby

“If there is a precious thing more valuable than time, we collect it as moment.”

Recently we just witnessed delicate moments between Bella and Ruby, a lovely couple who were brave enough to jump into another grand adventure with us: exploring Scotland!

Running in a majestic land, Isle of Skye.
Barefoot dancing when we dip into the river.
Holding hands under the moon.
Sharing warmth when the temperature was so freaking cold!

Bella and Ruby showed us that two individuals with opposite personalities could fit together under some circumstances.
They don’t listen to the same songs, when Ruby is a loyal fan of John Mayer, Bella is more into Idina Menzel.
Ruby is a sporty guy with his basketball routine schedule, while Bella is more reserved and love anything that soothes her. But they both travel the same way: they like to do things like locals do, stay in a city for a long while, blend in with the culture instead of trying to go to as many places as possible. They also enjoy eating Asian food, Indonesian, and spicy things. That’s where everything started.

Photography by Terralogical